
A Short Video on Balloon Sinuplasty

Jul 28, 2015
Most of the local news outlets that report on the revolutionary sinus procedure known as balloon sinus surgery, or balloon sinuplasty, tend to use stock video footage made available by ENT, the manufacturer of this technology.

Most of the local news outlets that report on the revolutionary sinus procedure known as balloon sinus surgery, or balloon sinuplasty, tend to use stock video footage made available by ENT, the manufacturer of this technology. But some outlets offer actual first-person accounts that help prospective patients see precisely what is entailed in the procedure.

As the surgeon says, the relief is often instantaneous, and the recovery tends to cover a wide range of symptoms:

“After the procedure, every patient will tell you that they breath better, they feel more open, the feel better, they have less drainage, less facial pressure and just have an overall sense of feeling better,” Dr. Knox added.

To learn more about how you can find lasting relief from sinusitis and other sinus symptoms, please feel free to reach out to my Los Angeles sinus surgery offices here today.